Troubleshooting Common DTF Transfers Application Issues
Direct-to-film (DTF) transfers have revolutionized the printing industry for creating vibrant, durable, and versatile designs. Yet, despite its advantages, you may encounter challenges in achieving the best printing results. These challenges compromise the quality of DTF peeling after washing, DTF cracking after wash, and DTF transfer not sticking. In this article, we will discuss the common DTF transfer problems and their causes and provide actionable solutions to help you achieve flawless results every time.
Common DTF Transfers Application Issues
In the DTF transfer application you may face some common issues which are given:
1. DTF Peeling After Washing
The most frustrating problem is when the transfer peels off after a few washes. This issue may arise when you do not get proper curing or adhesive application.
Uneven Heat Press Pressure:
You should make sure your heat press is consistent and pressure evenly during the transfer process.
Incorrect Temperature or Time:
Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for curing and temperature timing to avoid providing insufficient curing time that weakens adhesion application.
Low-Quality Adhesive Powder:
You must use the high-quality adhesive powder which is specifically made for strong DTF transfer bonding on fabric.
Make sure you always use high-quality film and powder for bonding and an accurate temperature setting to get exceptional printing results.
2. DTF Film Damaged Roll Not Round
A damaged or misshapen film roll can lead to uneven printing and misalignment during the application process. The reason behind why a film roll is inactive.
Improper Storage:
DTF film rolls should be stored in a cool, dry environment to prevent warping and maintain their shape and integrity.
Rough Film Handling:
Avoid dropping or mishandling the rolls to maintain their round shape.
Regularly check your DTF PET film rolls and if you detect any damage or defect in the Film then replace it with a new one to ensure consistent printing results.
3. DTF Transfer with Regular Printer Ink
When you use regular printer ink for DTF transfers, it compromises the quality and durability of prints. This is a common mistake that people make during DTF transfers.
Regular ink is not used for the heat transfer process as they have lacks the chemical properties that are required to bond effectively with adhesive powders to provide durable results.
For long-lasting results, always use DTF-specific inks, which are made to bond with adhesive powder and fabric surfaces and stick on them for a longer time.
Tip: Read the DTF printer manufacturer guidelines carefully use the compatible DTF inks, and follow the given recommendations for optimal outcomes.
4. DTF Cracking After Wash
Sometimes, after washing, cracks are visible on your fabrics which can ruin the appearance of your product and reduce its lifespan. Its reason is:
Improper Curing:
You should make sure the design is properly cured with the accurate setting of heat, pressure, and time.
Poor Quality Ink or Film:
Always use quality film materials and printing ink for better results without any cracking and fading of the design.
Use of Overstretching Fabric:
Avoid using stretching fabric with other fabric material excessively during or after application, as this may lead to cracking. To eliminate this situation, use high-quality material to prevent cracking.
During pressing utilize the heat-resistant Teflon sheets to ensure even heat distribution and minimize the chance of cracking.
5. DTF Transfer Not Sticking
When a DTF transfer does not stick to your material, it not only wastes time and the materials of the product but also ends up with unsatisfactory results.
Dirty Surface:
Before using the DTF transfer application you should make sure the fabric you are using is always clean and free from any residues.
Inaccurate Heat Press Settings:
Check the settings of your heat press and adjust the settings according to the given recommendations for temperature, pressure, and time as given in the manual guide.
Quality Adhesive Powder:
To improve the transfer’s bonding strength use the high-grade adhesive powder for perfect sticking.
Make sure to preheat the fabric for a few seconds to eliminate moisture and improve adhesion for bonding.
Final Thought
DTF printing is a modern printing solution for creating stunning designs, but it needs attention to work properly otherwise the transfers will not stick, leading to poor printing results. To enhance the quality and durability of your prints, you need to address these issues like DTF peeling after washing, damaged DTF film rolls that are not round, and DTF transfer not sticking to improve the quality and durability of your prints.
At F&H Print, we provide premium DTF supplies like films, inks, and adhesive powders, to support your printing projects. Our products and expertise are here to ensure your success and get the perfect DTF application every time!